Shorter, berry producing and available!

American holly (Ilex opaca), a native evergreen familiar to most of us, is a tree that can actually grow to be 70' feet tall. The Missouri Botanical Garden says, in our gardens, American hollies will typically grow to about 30' tall. Growing in full sun to part shade, out in nature, they can be found in damp woods. In the garden, American hollies grow in a range of soils. Male and female hollies flower but only females produce berries.

In a garden setting, hollies can be pruned, typically twice a year, to maintain a smaller size or as a hedge. I prune this trio of American hollies, planted as a screen in my small garden, at least twice a year. That is a definite gardening maintenance commitment and, of course, prevents these trees from living their best life!
Mt. Cuba Center says there are about 1000 cultivars of American holly. I had no idea! One cultivar, American holly 'Maryland Dwarf' (Ilex opaca "Maryland Dwarf') is frequently referenced by native plant experts. 'Maryland Dwarf' grows 3' high and up to 10' wide, so it is far better suited for smaller gardens. 'Maryland Dwarf' hollies are female so will produce berries. All of the other traits of 'Maryland Dwarf' are similar to the straight species of American holly.

I never posted about this plant because it seemed so rarely available and, when I did see it for sale, it was typically very mature and being sold for over $250. Good news. I have seen smaller 'Maryland Dwarf' hollies for sale recently and for under $65!
Heartwood Nursery, just over the Maryland line in southern Pennsylvania, is a holly treasure trove. They sell a number of straight species, straight species cultivars and non-native cultivars. Heartwood is also certified as a Holly Arboretum. This only scratches the surface of the Heartwood holly story. For today's purposes, Heartwood has a small nursery featuring native plants and lots of hollies. The nursery is open year round. Please do call ahead to make sure they have what you are looking for. I also recently noticed American holly 'Maryland Dwarf' available at Merrifield Garden Center in Falls Church. If you know of other places to source American holly 'Maryland Dwarf' please do share in the comments!
If you are curious about some of those cultivars, check out the Heartwood Holly List which includes a number of native cultivars and many of the commonly available non-native cultivars.

Plant American hollies and the birds visiting your garden during winter will thank you for those berries!
Happy Gardening.
Herring Run Nursery carries the Maryland Dwarf cultivar