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Native Plant Nursery: Lauren's Garden Service

New location; more plants!

When I started this website a while back, a good friend's Mom, an accomplished naturalist in Howard County among her many other talents, made sure I knew about a small business in Howard County: Lauren's Garden Service. I visited right away and was taken in by the boutique nursery.

Lauren's Garden Service does it all; native plant landscape designs, installation, maintenance and retail nursery sales too. This has been their busiest year ever which is really good to hear if you are a fan of native plants. In mid-August, the original nursery location closed and the whole operation moved to larger quarters on Triadelphia Road in central Maryland's Ellicott City. The new location opened this week.

Offices are now housed in a former church and the nursery, artful as ever, is nestled next door beneath a large old tree. There are a lot of things to like about this company but, to me, the best is the low key, friendly and knowledgeable staff.

The new nursery has more space, more plants and that same level of creative inspiration. New to this location are several recently planted garden beds showing us beautiful possibilities and combinations of plants. Planters and window boxes filled with natives are intriguing as well.

The nursery carries straight species natives, cultivars of natives, and a sprinkling of ornamental annuals. This is a nursery organized for beginning and expert gardeners alike. It's so sensible -- plants grouped by light conditions and size makes it easy to see what is available for your situation. In addition to the trees, shrubs, perennials, grasses and ferns, they sell plugs. You can take just the number you need as opposed to having to buy the entire flat. Inventory is posted on-line and you can place orders on-line too for later pick-up. As always, if you are looking for a specific plant, it is always best to call ahead before heading out.

The design side of the business is now scheduling late November consultations for new gardens to be planted in 2022. And there is more to come. In the works is a retail store set to open later this fall!

As I mention from time to time, Nuts for Natives has no financial connection to any nursery or business; just promoting native plants and gardening for the Chesapeake!


We want you to be as excited about planting Chesapeake natives as we are. “Plant This or That” gives you a native alternative to popular plants. Other posts highlight really fabulous fauna native to the Chesapeake.

Nuts for Natives, avid gardener, Baltimore City admirer, Chesapeake Bay Watershed restoration enthusiast, and public service fan.

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