Thankful for the artistry, inspiration and creativity of gardeners.
At this time of thanks, I am extremely grateful to you for reading these posts. By reading you are advocating for native plants and a better place. The more reads and comments, the more google likes native plants and the more likely we are to share ideas with other potential native plant gardeners.
Gardening means so many different things to each of us. For some, it's a call to get outside on a crisp fall day, or in spring, when the earth seems to come alive again. For others, it's about the curb appeal of your apartment or home. For others, it is a spiritual connection to nature. No matter why one gardens, it's personal.
This is why I am enormously indebted to the gardeners who opened up their gardens to us all this year. Gardens (like our homes) can be incredibly personal spaces. Sharing your garden in a very public way is a gift to us. And what gifts they have been! Each garden tells a unique story of creativity. From amateurs to professionals, beginners to seasoned gardeners, the gardeners showed us artistic, transitional, urban and modern gardens and more. If you missed any, here they are:
Native Plant Garden Tour: Loch Raven Townhome
Native Plant Garden Tour: A Backyard Paradise
Native Plant Garden Tour: Rodgers Forge Row Home Native Plant Garden Tour: Ellie's Garden Native Plant Garden Tour: Sarah's Front Walk
Native Plant Garden Tour: A Once Desolate Side Garden Zings
Native Plant Garden Tour: the Artistic Garden in Spring
Chesapeake Native Plant Design: Modern, Low Maintenance, Marvelous
Alice, Ashley, Craig, Ellie, Jessica, Kara, Karen, Robert and Sarah, thank you for inspiring us!