Jul 20, 2018

DayLilies: Plant This or That

Updated: Jul 14, 2020

Daylilies (Hemerocallis), above left, are common. Cheerful color, unflagging reliability and endless variety make for their popularity.  A number of native perennials can match most daylily colors and most have a longer bloom period. Looking for orange? What about butterfly weed (Asclepius tuberosa), above on the right?

Looking for yellows like the daylily on the left? What about cutleaf coneflowers (Rudbeckia laciniata) above on the right?

Looking for bright pinks like those above, left? What about purple coneflowers (Echinacea purpurea) or bee balm (Monarda ‘raspberry wine’), above on the right?

The range of possible substitutes is huge. This is a substitution where you will easily and immediately see and feel the habitat benefits of native perennials in comparison to the daylilies.  I happen to have a small patch of daylilies next to a small patch of native perennials and the difference is really remarkable!

For more information

  1. More about butterfly weed

  2. More about bee balm

  3. More about cutleaf coneflower

  4. More about coneflowers

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